Talking with God in Old Age – Meditations and Psalms by Missy Buchanan

Synopsis :

In Talking with God in Old Age, Missy Buchanan sensitively addressed the worries, fears and frustrations of older adults and extends hope, encouraging them to maintain an open dialogue with God. Each reading feature :

• A candid conversation with God
• A related passage from Psalms
• Easy to read print

Seniors grappling with the aging process will readily identify with these reflections and will find reassurance of God’s presence. Caregivers, family members and others seeking to understand aging loved ones will gain insight into the thoughts and emotions of the elderly frail.

My review :

Talking with God in Old Age allows us a glimpse into the minds and hearts of the older adults. It is a very frank portray of what the older adults are thinking and are feeling. It is quite an eye opener as things that we (younger generations) take for granted can be such a challenge for those in their golden years.

Each chapter is only 2 pages long and each chapter addresses an issue that older adults might face and ended with a verse from Psalms to provide encouragement relating to the issues mentioned. Some of the issues are very practical, some are quite heartbreaking and some can be pretty funny and cute. Whichever the issues are, they are real for the older adults.

For example, one of the issues was ‘Real Person on the Phone’ which addresses the frustrations the older adults felt when they rushed in their walker to answer a call and it’s mostly telemarketers calling or when they made a call and there was an automatic answers at the other end asking them to ‘push one for this, and two for that’ and this annoys them tremendously. Very cute but very realistic. It reminds us not to get impatient when it took a while for the older folks to answer our calls. :)

The writing is also very easy to read and like the synopsis says, the prints are certainly much bigger than normal prints! There are 100 pages but over 42 issues are being addressed.

It’s a good book to have and could only be written by someone who has experienced with the elderly. This is a follow up post following the interview with Missy Buchanan.

Go and get a copy. It's great as a gift for an older adult or for someone who works with the elderly or just for anyone who needs to know what the older adults are thinking and feeling..

Special thanks to B&B Media for sending me a copy of this book for review.


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