Good bye 2014 and Hello 2015
I felt it was just yesterday that I did my good bye 2013 and hello 2014 post but in actual fact it's 365 days ago. Where did those days go?
So, how was my year like? You know what, it was a great year. It was a year of change as I survived my first year in a new position in a new organisation with new portfolio and new set of accountability. It wasn't really a change I want to make if I am perfectly honest but it is a change that's absolutely necessary to move on.
The family went on an unexpected holiday to an unexpected country and it was a wonderful experience for each and everyone of us. It certainly brought us closer as a family unit and I thank God each and every single day for His blessings in our lives.
This post also marks a total of 70 posts did this year in Purple Queen Fairy's world which is exactly the same number of post as last year so I am pretty pleased about the consistency I have towards this blog. It wasn't easy at times, I tell you but I am extremely glad.
However, admist all these thanksgiving, my heart can't help but aches for those going through a much trying time with families and friends lost and perished in flood and flights. My heart and prayer goes out to them and reminding that in all things God is with us.
In that let me still wishes everyone blessings for the forthcoming year. Happy New Year from me to you. Thank you for dropping by.
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