My Precious - Gone with The Wind & Scarlett

Today, I would like to share with you my favourite story of all time. It is none other than Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell. This book was first published in May 1936. That’s like 74 years ago! I bought mine during a church sales sometime in 1984 paying only RM6 for it. Having owned the book for more than 20+ years, I think I must have read it about 5 times over the years. The last time was about 4 years ago.

And Katie Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler. What a long name and what a character! How does one describe she who is so simple and yet so complex. And Rhett Butler. Every womens' dream man. I couldn’t get enough of Scarlett and Rhett, and was basically quite dissatisfied with how the story ended in Gone With The Wind and always wish for some continuation.

My wish came through in 1991 when the estate of Margaret Mitchell commissioned Alexandra Ripley to write the official sequel entitled Scarlett. I read Scarlett in the mid-1990s (can’t really remember when) when I rent the book from a similar establishment such as this. I always wanted to get a copy of Scarlett for my personal collection but I didn’t want to get a brand new copy since my Gone With The Wind wasn’t exactly brand new and I didn’t want it to suffer any inferiority complex. Haha..  I know, it’s just a book but still!

Such, it was an extremely pleasant surprise when I managed to find a pre-owned copy in Book Castle (in Kuching) last year which I immediately bought for RM9.

While most people felt that Scarlett didn’t measure up to Gone With The Wind, I like and enjoy it. It gave me such satisfaction that she survives and survives well even during the times without Rhett in her life. And sentimental fool that I am, it also gave me such pleasure to read the maturity of their love for each other. Overall, it gave me the continuity that I was looking for after Gone With The Wind.

Can I hope for a third book? Perhaps one that portrays a more elderly Scarlett with a focus on her daughter, Cat and her other children? As for now, I can just start wishing again. Perhaps it might come true again one of these days!


  1. wow, I am glad I found someone sharing the same passion as me in reading. I am in the other hand love reading VC Andrews books. And I bought whole lotsa series from Bookcastle, Kuching too. But unfortunately when I went there today, the shop was replaced by a music instrument shop. I was so devastated, I wish someone can tell me where they have moved to so I can start hunting for my favourite book in the 'Castle'. Such a great name, don't you think? Make us feel like we are entering into somekinda era, full of books.. like the Harry Porter's. *wink

    1. Hi there...thanks for your comment. I didn't know that Bookcastle 'disappear'. I'll be sure to post up where they are now if I managed to find out.


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