The Girl In Times Square by Paullina Simons

Synopsis :

Lily's life is turned upside down with the disappearance of her flat mate, incredible revelations about her family and a personal discovery, all of which will affect her forever. What if everything you believed about your life was a lie? Meet Lily Quinn. She is broke, struggling to finish college, pay her rent, find love. Adrift in bustling New York City, the most interesting things in Lily's life happen to the people around her. But Lily loves her aimless life until her best friend and roommate Amy disappears. That's when Spencer Patrick O'Malley, a cynical, past his prime NYPD detective with demons of his own, enters Lily's world. And a sudden financial windfall which should bring Lily joy instead becomes an ominous portent of the dark forces gathering around her.

But fate isn't finished with Lily. She finds herself fighting for her life as Spencer's search for the missing Amy intensifies, leading Lily to question everything she knew about her friend and family. Startling revelations about the people she loves force her to confront truths that will leave her changed forever. 

Paullina  Simons is an author that is not known to me.  I have not seen any of her titles.  I can't remember how I got this book.  All I know is that it's a trade paperbag and as thick as a hardcover and it's taking up precious space in my shelf.  That's why I read clear it out of my shelf.

With such 'un-noble' intention, I should be rewarded with a crappy book but instead I was very much surprised and taken by the wonderful story that unfolded itself to me.  Lily is a strange but strong character.  I love the chemistry she has with Spencer and I like the fact that they did not let age, society and family came in between them.  

They became my 'friends' for the 2 weeks that I took to read this book.  I can't bring the book out as it's massive and heavy which is good too as I get to enjoy their story leisurely.

I bawled my eyes out at certain chapter especially towards the ending.

I  very much enjoyed The Girl in Time Square.  I hope there's another book about them as promised by the author in her official site.


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