I Finally Found It - The Prisoner of Heaven by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

If you have read my post here and here, you would have known that I have been searching for this title for quite a while and 'quite a while' here is defined as years.

Being a title which I just seems to be unable to get my hands on, it was such a surprise to have it landed on my lap about a month ago.  However, it was in a rather huge box together with just about 30 other titles so I wasn't aware if it's existence.

It was only today that I had time to sort out the box and imagine my surprise to fish this out of the box.

Yes, I guess you can say it's my Easter Present :)

More story about the other titles from the box another time. For now I am just so happy to have this whole set in my collection.

p.s. I have not been reading for a while.  Will attempt to catch up soon. 

In the meantime...



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