The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught (#5) by Neta Jackson


Synopsis :

For the Yada Yadas, gettin' caught up in troubles isn't the problem; it's how to get free.

Only weeks ago, we Yadas toughened our prayer knees when one of our own was the victim of a vicious racial attack. Now it seems each household is being thrown into even bigger and badder circumstances. It especially worries me, Jodi Baxter, because I'm a fixer by nature, and the prayer list is getting out of control . . .

Ruth and Ben are caught up in an unplanned pregnancy--in their fifties! Chanda is deluded by the glitter of her lottery dream come true. Florida wants to move her family, hoping to leave trouble behind, but it looks like it may catch up to her anyway. And I'm finding that even good things like prayer group can consume me in no time flat.

If there is an upside, it's that all this trouble is revealing the subtle lies we Yadas believe about God, ourselves, each other, and life. Maybe our best hope is to catch on to what God's doing--and catch on quick!--before the enemy can take any prisoners. That'd be a freedom worth celebrating. And celebrating is what my spiritual sisters and I do best.

This is what I say :

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught is a Christian novel on the power of prayer.  It's actually the fifth book in the series but it's still readable as a single book by itself.  

It's not my first time reading what Neta Jackson wrote.  The last time was ten years ago when I read Who is My Shelter?  

It was really nice reading such book at this time.  Reminded me of the importance of prayer and the need to pray at all times for all things.  Something positive and edifying God that speaks on the power of God.  It would have been nice to be able to read the titles in sequence in order to follow the lives and developments of the characters but even if not, the single book alone is a blessing in itself.

I don't mind reading the other titles in the series in future if I can get hold of them.


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