October Musing


Image from web

To think that it's October already and in less than 3 months, we would say good bye to this year.  I have been wfh on and off too these few months since June and life rhythm has been pretty disrupted these few months and life was actually starting beating to a new tune and rhythm.  

Couple of months ago also saw a shift to the current norm that we have been experiencing in the homefront and things will continue to change and shift again.  This is especially so over the last two months to say the least and honestly I have not really come to terms with the change.  Maybe as I slow down to think and muse, I can be in touch with myself. Maybe I am being dramatic here but whatever it is, I just want to keep note here as a note-to-self.

I might be back to update this post and to correct my thoughts again.

I also wasn't aware that October is the National Book Month.  So, ya happy national book month to all!  I really should catch up with my reading again. It's not that I stop totally but I have been slowing down in my reading habits and a book that used to take me about 1 week to complete is now taking me about 3 to 4 weeks.

I also want to start to declutter my books again.  I used to be able to sell them at my local flea market but I have not been doing so for the past 2 years due to covid.  I used to post them to sell at social media but I have not done so for quite a while.  I should start again soon. It's a lot of work to list them and post them but I guess there's no choice unless I can come up with another way to sell them.  Let me muse further on this.

Hopefully I can post on a book review  by the next post within the next few days as I have a book that I have almost finish reading.


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