Reflections of 2021


A chandelier of pens taken in a Muji store 2 years ago

How have your year been?

I can't really use one word to summarise my experience for year 2021. On one hand, I didn't experience much but on the other hand, I felt a lot has happened.

Purple Queen Fairy will end the year with 35 posts. Never before in the history of this blog that I only did 35 posts for the year. It's an all time low as I normally average around 50 to 55 posts for one year.  I guess it can't be help as I read much less this year too.

Let's see, I only read about 24 books this year. Out of these 16 are physical books and 8 books were electronic books.  This gives it an average of 2 books a month.  Much less isn't it?  If it's not because I kinda motivated myself to read more towards the final quarter of the year, it would have been much less.

I only bought 3 books this year. Here, here and here.

Favorite book of the year?  I think it would be the three Camilia Lackberg titles.  You can find them here, here and here.  

On another note, I am also glad that I finally completed The Throne of Glass Series.  It was a few years in completing it from book 1 to book 7.  3 years to be exact.

While certain parts of the country is currently suffering from the aftermath of natural disaster, I am thankful to the almighty that those close to me are well and safe.  We are still experiencing a bad news received a few months ago but we at only at this point we trust God for His peace, grace and mercy.

Covid is still very much with the world and has evolved itself so it might be here to stay.  Last year, it was everyone's hope that this year things will be better so it's this year's wish that next year would be better but I think we just need to make it better the best we can as 'better' might not mean things will be like pre-covid time.

Anyways, thank you for journeying with me this year.  I hope you have been well.  God bless and have a good new year. Stay safe everyone.

image from internet. credit to the original creator.


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