Hot Six by Janet Evanovich

Synopsis :

Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is faced with her most daunting task yet : bring in the mysterious former Special Forces agent Carlos Manoso (aka Ranger).  He's the man who taught her everything about fugitive apprehension, and Stephanie knows she will be testing her skills against the master.  But if she does catch him, she's not so sure she could turn in her friend - even if he's wanted for murder.

If this isn't enough to keep her up at night, Grandma Mazur is crimping her sex life by moving in with ehr and keeping her from getting any action from her cop boyfriend, Joe Morelli.  Now, with her love life messing with her head, two threatening goons on her tail, and three corpses, it's getting a little too hot for Stephanie, whose search for Ranger is bringing her dangerously close to the wrong side of the law.

Bear with me folks as I am going through a few titles in the Stephanie Plum series.  What is there not to like about Stephanie. Since my first book Ten Big Ones a couple of years ago, I have been having doses of Stephanie on and off these few years.  I didn't really follow the sequence but after Ten Big Ones, I did try to go through the series from book one itself, One for the Money.  Since then, I read Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly, and kinda skip a few books and now I finally landed myself with Hot Six.  I have Seven Up and Hard Eight with me so I guess I will be reading them soon as I have already read To the Nines.

Although I don't see the relevant in the title, Hot Six is a classic and standard Stephanie's adventure.  From dealing with both Ranger and Joe Morelli and also Grandma Mazur moving into her apartment, and not go mention getting threatened, locked up and shot and having her cars blown up, it's all in a day in the life of this bounty hunter.

The skip this time round includes Morris Munson and the baddies are Alexander Ramos and his sons, Hannibal and Homer.  It was a hoot when Stephanie is caught by Hannibal when he found her in his tree spying on him.  This book is also when Bob the dog make his appearance in Stephanie's life.

If you are already a fan, you would know what I mean. If not, you would enjoy having a peep into Stephanie's life once in a while.


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