Rose of Fire by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I am currently reading The Angel's Game. It's the second bestseller by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (book #1 being The Shadow of The Wind) , a top Spanish writer and no, am not reading it in Espanol. The English version of the story was translated by Lucia Graves.  More about The Angel's Game another time.

For this post, I want to share with you a short story entitled Rose of Fire, also written by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.  I read this story from my tablet as it is available in electronic format which you can download for free. 

Rose of Fire trace the origin of Cementery of Forgotten Books.  If you have read Carlos Ruiz Zifon's works, you would know what Cementery of Forgotten Books is.  It's a place, hidden and also known to a few people, where one can hide a book and where one can find a book that has been hidden by someone else.   You can say it is a place where books go for their eternal rest.  However, upon being granted entry by the guardian, one can choose a book to bring home to but more often than not, it's the book that choose the owner rather than the other way around.

Anyway, while Cementery of Forgotten Books is featured prominently in both The Shadow of The Wind and in Angel's Games and will also be featured in book #3 entitled Prisoner of Heaven, it's origin was never mention.  

That's where Rose of Fire comes into the picture.  It shares with reader it's history, who commissioned it, when it was built and how it came about and how it's here to stay.

It was good knowing its background and if you attention to how the story begins, it gives you an idea of the ending to The Angel's Game  which I really hope to share it with you in my next post.


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