Chicken Soup, anyone?

Are you a fan of the Chicken Soup series?

I'm sure you know that I'm referring to the book and not the delicious chicken soup that comes from your kitchen.:)   I was and I guess, am still a fan.  It was my aim at one time to have a complete collection of the chicken soup series.  That was way back in the late 90s.  After that, the series kinda got out of control (in my opinion).  Now, there are just way too many titles (more than 200 over) and I think it's not meant for one to 'collect' such books, anyway.  Most of the titles are rather focus and directed at only those with specific issues or concerns so there's not much point there for a collection.

While in the early days, it was just Chicken Soup for The Soul or For Man or Woman, now the titles have extended to titles such as Chicken Soup for teens, for pre-teens, for adopted kids, for baseball fans, for cat lover, for gardener, etc.  Basically, if you have a need or an issue, there would be a book for you.

Compiled, initially by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, there are now more involved in the series.  Each book would have about a hundred or so short stories or sometimes poem that motivates, comforts and brings out that emotions that need to be attended to.

Like a bowl of hot steaming chicken soup which is the home remedy for when you are sick, the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series serves the same purpose but more a remedy for the heart.  It is meant to bring comfort, healing, to mend, to allow closure through this sharing so that at then end f the bowl(book) of Chicken Soup, one would feel good and comforted.

Everyone needs a Chicken Soup now and then.  A book for different seasons of our lives and the different issues we deal with.  I have four books but I can't find the forth one.  The ones shown here are Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work (my first copy), Chicken Soup for Couple's Soul and Chicken Soup for Expectant Mother's Soul.


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