Saying good bye to part of my collection

I didn’t realise that I have been away from this site for 2+ months.  It has been such busy but incredible 2+ months for me doing something else other than reading.  I have been reading, but in much more smaller doses and I think and feel that the ‘break’ did me good.

But like I said, it’s been more than 2 months and I have been itching to get back here again on a regular basis and to pick up my love for sharing what I have reading again.

Remember my bookshelf tour.  Well, while that shelf is looking all nice and dandy, I have not shared with you the other shelf as what was once a very nicely arranged shelf has been looking like an overcrowded low-cost flat for quite a while, with books on top of one another and spilling over.  One of the solution is to either get a new shelf but I know that even if I do, it won’t be long before it’s spilling over again as I seems to be buying books faster than I read!

 The other solution is to ‘get rid’ of some of the books that I know I am not going to read again.  I was supposed to sell some of them at a fund raising function a month ago but that event was cancelled so when the opportunity of a ‘car boot sales’ came up in a neighbourhood mall, I was quite quick to book my slot.

That was yesterday and I brought about 60 novels to that sales.   The event was at the basement car park of the mall and it ran for 6 hours.  I am happy to say that I managed to sell more than 20 of my collections of novels, children’s books, some old magazines and even some old westerns that are no longer in publication!

While part of me is happy for the successful sales, part of me was rather sad to say good bye to some of my collections. However, I know very well that I’m not going to read these titles again and so instead of them sitting unread and abandoned on my shelf, I am happy that they found new homes to go to.

There’s this nice lady who told me that her friends introduced me to Nora Roberts and she was so excited to find Nora in my collection that she bought Birthright and The Circle Trilogy. I did tell her that I have only book 2 and 3 in this trilogy and was secretly hoping that the information would deter her from purchasing but it didn’t work!  I have 2 more Nora Roberts that I haven’t read – Blue Dahlia and Black Rose so I shall be consoling myself in these instead!

I also said good bye to Tersias all because I sold GP Taylor as the author and that young man was so excited because he has Shadowmancer.  I am excited too as I am not a fan of fantasy book and he is, so I really hope he can appreciate Tersias much, much more than me. I did tell him honestly that I didn't appreciate this book as I don't appreciate fantasy.

The Eyes of Jade also found a new owner – a man whom I overheard telling his friend that he has expensive taste when the friend was making comments about the book! Hey, I really hope you enjoy it and appreciate it as me no fan of Asian authors so I didn’t really appreciate it.

One lady bought 4 chick lites which includes The Guy Not Taken, Four Blondes and Glamour and another lady was taken by my No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency collection.  Hey, lady, I forgot to tell you that I also have the 6th book – In the Company of Cheerful Ladies but I haven’t read it yet. Maybe the next round, ya?

All in all, it was a good day of finding new homes for my collections.  I really hope that the new owners will enjoy and have many wonderful time reading and enjoying them.

In the meantime,  I better go and tidy up my shelf.

And you know what? It's great to be back!


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