Toy Cemetery by William W. Johnstone

Image result for toy cemetery

Synopsis :

When Jay Clute was a kid, he was terrified of his Aunt Cary's toy collection- -of their staring eyes and limp arms. 

Now his aunt is dead, and it all belongs to him. Nothing has changed--not the painted smiles, the garish clown-like colors . . . 

or the tiny hands dripping with bright red blood.

This is what I say :

I actually do not know what I just read.  

Toy Cemetery is confusing and disturbing.  It is both fascinatingly disgusting and disgustingly fascinating at the same time.

I actually read an e-copy of this book and have no idea about this author.  The author certainly doesn't mince his words and uses it pretty liberally both literally and figuratively.

The story itself is pretty disturbing and even the ending leave much to the imagination.  I can say the ending of the book doesn't signify the ending of the story.

Actually, I don't know what I am talking about.  I am still disturbed by this title.  Even if you are a fan of horror, I won't be recommending this title to you.

However, in view of Halloween round the corner, I guess this book is at it's appropriate season.


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