Urban Street Library - The Hanging Shelves

There's a social initiatives in my city which is known as the Urban Street  Library.

According to their Facebook page, the initiator of this project aims to promote a  culture of reading regardless of time and place by providing a free literary experience for the members of the public . The project's mission is to encourage reading, sharing and community spirit through a small-scale urban intervention in engaging public spaces of the city. They believe that a collaborative effort from us as a community will deliver a more impactful change.

Having heard of this initiative but didn't have time to check them out during their launch, I was pleasantly surprised to encounter one of the public library while at a mall recently.  I went back again the following week, bringing with me 4 novels from my collection books that I was happy to exchange for new titles.

Even though the choice weren't that good, I went away happy with four new titles that I am looking forward to reading very soon.

I don't know how long they will be in the mall, but if you're in my city, keep an eye for the hanging shelves and the treasures within.


  1. Didn't know of such group. That is a good initiative. Hope they keep it up and continue their effort.

    1. Hi Rose. Do check them out at The Spring. Dont know how long they will be there though.


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