Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich

Synopsis :

Unbuckle your belt and pull up a chair. It's the spiciest, sauciest, most rib-sticking Plum yet.

Recipe for disaster: Celebrity chef Stanley Chipotle comes to Trenton in a barbecue cookoff and loses his head - literally.

Throw in some spice: Bail bonds office worker Lula is witness to the crime, and the only one she'll talk to is Trenton cop Joe Morelli.

Pump up the heat: Chipotle's sponsor is offering a million-dollar reward to anyone who can provide information leading to the capture of the killers.

Stir the pot: Lula recruits bounty hunter Stephanie Plum to help find he killer and collect the moolah.

Add a secret ingredient: Stephanie Plum's Grandma Mazur. Enough said.

Bring to a boil: Stephanie Plum is working overtime tracking felons for the bonds office at night and snooping for security expert Carlos Manoso, aka Ranger, during the day. Can Stephanie hunt down two killers, a traitor, and five skips, keep her grandmother out of the sauce, and solve Ranger's problems and not jump his bones?

This is what I say :

I am getting slightly bored of Stephanie.  After fifteen books, I would have expected her to move on at some point in her life but she still seems to be the same, doing the same thing, facing the same issues both at work, love and parents. 

I mean I dont want to be the same me after fifteen books so I don't know why she wants to be the same...I would like for her to communicate with the author to make her different and it might go something like this :

Hey Janet,

This is Stephanie.  I am pretty tired of doing the same old thing book in and book out.  I mean, it's been fifteen time and I am quite tired (not to say costly) for my car to blow up all the time, my apartment too come to think of it.  I am tired of the losers my mum seems to parade in front of me. Can you get her to parade some rather good contenders?  Also if you intend for Joe and I to be together, I don't mind trying out the marriage thingy...I want to do the grown up thing for a change.

Can you also give me a make over, I seems to be in jeans and tees and ponytail hair for the past fifteen books and while that's good, something along the line of 'How do I look?' would be great too. And while I like Lula, she needs a change as well. Pls don't forever keeping her in her flashy and loud clothes  Can you like cause some life defining moment for her and give her a total change...perhaps she can get a concussion and get a personality make over...even temporary would be fine too.

Oh ya, and if I am not married to Joe, I don't mind trying out with Ranger then.

Love Stephanie

What do you think?  Anyway, somehow  I have a feeling aht Stephanie will always be Stephanie but one can wish right?


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