Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens

Synopsis :

Sharla Cody is only five, but has already lived a troubled life -- only to find herself dumped on an elderly neighbor's doorstep when her mother takes off for the summer. Although Sharla is not the angelic child Addy Shadd had pictured when she agreed to look after her, the two soon forge a deep bond. 

To Addy's surprise, Sharla's presence brings back memories of her own childhood in Rusholme, a town settled by fugitive slaves in the mid-1800s. She reminisces about her family, her first love, and the painful experience that drove her away from home. 

Brilliantly structured -- and achingly lyrical, this is a story about the redeeming power of love and memory, and about two unlikely people who transform each other's lives forever.

This book is quite a dark horse.  I wasn't expecting to like it but liked it I did.  

The story alternates between Addy of young and Addy of current time.  However, the way the author alternates the story is very smooth and the flow was almost perfect.  While I was engrossed with the Addy of the past, I was intrigued by Addy of now. And the ending...a Hallmark ending for sure and make you sheds 

A most enjoyable book.   


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