Reflections 2016

Year 2016 is pretty uneventful but equally busy with many things that went on .

I read much less this year compared to previous years and there was a couple of times when I totally didn't read at all and that's reflective in my review posts.

I also didn't buy much novels this year as at the last count, I have nearly 150 copies of to be read novels.  If I successfully read 1 novel a month, it would take me 12 years to finish them..provided I don't buy any books at all from now onward!  If I read 2 books a month, it would take me 6 years to complete them. Wow!

So yup, that's where I stand.  But I know I read more than 2 novels a month so there!

My work travel also has reduced drastically since the last couple of years due to change of job and that pretty much relates to my reading habits too as I used to read a lot while on work travel as there's nothing much else to do in the hours in between.

On the other hand, I have stop doing any committed review for Netgalley and the likes for quite a while already so yes, I have confident in tackling them TBR pile!

I shall end year 2016 with 50 posts compared to 68 in year 2015. For year 2017, it will be an attempt and challenge to at least match this year in terms of posts and perhaps slightly more consistent and I would be pretty satisfied.

Favourites for the year....hmmm.... I would have to say it's discovering Joseph Finder, the author and so far I read two of his titles, Buried Secrets and Paranoia.  Hope to read more of him next year.

I hope you had a good 2016 and looking forward to 2017 with much anticipation and hope for better things ahead for everyone.

Good bye 2016. Love ya.


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