Babyhood by Paul Raiser

Synopsis :

I'm going to be totally honest. This is not the kind of book that can help you. It's not a "how-to, " a "when-to, " or a "what-to-expect." 

Let's compare: Those "know-it-all" books tell you how to have a happy, healthy pregnancy. My book mentions a squirrel. Those books tell you how to care for a newborn child. My book describes how tired I am. Those books give you essential information you can use in a life-threatening emergency. My book has some very amusing anecdotes about poop. So really, it's up to you. If you want to be prepared and well-informed, I understand. But if you enjoy seeing the words "pterodactyl" and "uterus" in the same book, you've come to the right place.
Funny man Paul Reiser gave an interesting and first hand account of the experience he and his wife went through in expecting their first baby.  It started with Paul and his bride encountering another couple with a young baby while on a flight and it ended with them and their young baby encountering another couple thinking of having their first child while on another flight so you can say they came full circle.

While the writing is very funny, it's very honest as well and certainly earns a few chuckle out of you as you go through the book which wasn't very thick and wasn't difficult to read at all.

Whether you are expecting or not and whether you are a parent or not, it's an enlightening book and quite fun to pass time with.  This is yet another book that I read in the car while waiting for traffic to move.


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