Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich

Synopsis :

Trenton, New Jersey-based bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is the all-American girl stuck in an uncomfortable job, succeeding on luck and tenacity. On her current most wanted list : Martin Munch, a man whose body hasn't had make it out of the boys' department at Macy's but whose larger-than-life brain is the means to his business partner's murderous ends. Usually Stephanie gets her man. This time, she gets Diesel, a bounty hunter whose special sills include tracking en and pleasing women. Now it's up to Stephanie and Diesel to hunt down Munch through the Pine Barrens and face the legendary Jersey Devil - prowling above the treetops in the dark of night - and find a way to survive cranberry bogs, sand in their underwear, too many monkeys to count...and of course, each other.

Plum Spooky is the 4th and last of the holiday novella in the Stephanie Plum Series. Trust me to start off the novella reading by reading the last one first.  In terms of sequence, it is between book fourteen (Fearless Fourteen) and book fifteen (Finger-licking Fifteen).

I should have started with the first novella, Visions of Sugar Plum as I have the book with me but I really don't now why I didn't do so.  However, it doesn't really matter which you read first or even not at all.

Stephanie Plum is Stephanie Plum.   The only difference in this book is the arrival of Diesel, another bounty hunter who also seems to have a 'thing' for Stephanie.  Joe is conveniently tied up with his brother Anthony who is staying over at his house due to an injury.  Ranger also seems to be quite tied up with other stuff which leaves Diesel to monopolise Stephanie's time, home and everything else.

And then, there's Carl. Carl is a monkey who loves to eat, watch television and gives you the fingers.  Carl is a better addition to Stephanie's world.

I take it that the title is in reference to Holloween but there wasn't much anything spooky about the book.  The Jersey Devil remains a legend in the book  and I really don't know why the synopsis at the back of the book made reference to it.

I can always trust Stephanie for some light entertainment in reading and this didn't fail as well.

Happy being spooked! :)


  1. oooh! I am spooked right now! But dont mind reading this series!


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