Drowning Man by Michael Robotham

Synopsis :

Everyone knows that Mickey Carlyle is dead and a man is in prison for her murder.  Everyone, that is, except DI Vincent Ruiz who cannot stop searching and hoping.  He is discovered one night clinging to a buoy in the River Thames with a bullet in his leg and a bigger hole in his memory.  

Under investigation by his colleagues and accused of faking amnesia, Ruiz's only hope of unraveling the puzzle is to trace his steps and relive that night.  But there are further dangers lying in wait and oher ways for a man to drown.

This is a psychological thriller by Michael Robotham.  I have never read Michael Robotham but a web search reveals that he has 8 of such psychological thriller under his name.

I quite enjoy this book.  The writing wasn't overly descriptive and boring. The plot was rather unique too and as a reader, I was rather keen to find out if Mickey Carlyle really died or maybe something else happened to her?  The author kept the suspense right up to the last chapter!

The book wasn't really much character driven but more the story itself and as such, we don't really know much about the main character except the background to his family and his birth.  The story development was quite acceptable except that I felt the ending is rather 'rushed' - like the author suddenly realised that he has readed the allocated number of words/pages and such, it's time to end.  I would have prefer if the pace equals that of the whole story.  Other than that, no complaint. If you ware looking for a thriller, then you would enjoy Drowning Man.


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