Master of The Game by Sidney Sheldon

Synopsis :


She is the symbol of success, the beautiful woman who parlayed her inheritance into an international conglomerate. Winner of a unique position among the wealthy and world-renowned. And she's a survivor, indomitable as her father, the man who returned from the edge of death to wrench a fortune in diamonds from the bleak South African earth. Now, celebrating her ninetieth birthday, Kate surveys the family she has manipulated, dominated, and loved: the fair and the grotesque, the mad and the mild, the good and the evil -- her winnings in life. Is she the...Master Of The Game?

It's a great feeling to re-read Master of The Game for the n-th time.  Yes, that's right.....I just can't remember how many times I read it since the time I bought this book (3rd June 1990 - it's inscribed in the inside cover).  It's one of the books that I kept at parents' house during my college years and whenever I visited them during holidays, I would get acquainted with the books whenever I can.

Although it's more than 20 years old, the story still never fails in it's thrill factor.  It's just so addictive and once you start you just can't stop until you read the whole book.

The story begins with Kate's father, Jamie McGregor, a Scotsman who traveled to South Africa to strike it rich in diamonds.  He actually did manage to stake a claim but was cheated out of it by Soloman Van der Merwe, a local businessman in Klipdrift.  Jamie vowed revenge and did just that.  The story continues with Kate and subsequently his son, Tony and then ended with Tony's twin daughters, Eve and Alex.

The story would have ended there and all would have been happy but the estate of Sidney Sheldon commissioned Tilly Bagshawe to write a sequel, aptly entitled Mistress of The Game. I read and review the book last year.  It wasn't as good as the original as Tilly certainly isn't yet a master but it was good for the saga to go on.


  1. The book is really a great read. one of Sheldon's best. the book revolves around many generations. Its written with great description and dexterity, giving life to the character's. Its good to see both sides of evil and good, .the book talks about money, power , lust ,greed ,revenge , hatred whatever you want in a great drama. And as always Sidney is simply the best.


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