Trinny and Suzanne : The Survuvor Guide

Trinny and Suzanne claimed on the cover that this is 'A woman's secret weapon for getting through the year'.  While I quite like what I saw of Trinny and Suzanne on TV, I wasn't sure if they actually have any secret weapon for woman to get through the year.  It's rather a bold claim and unfortunately I don't think the book live up to the claim.

According to these two ladies, 'Inside are all the nuggets of advice we've gleaned from our mothers, sisters and girlfriends, as well as those they've learned from us.  Each day women ask us how we cope with such busy lives. here we're sharing the best of what we've learned over the years.  We hope this book will inspire you to keep your life smooth and organised, as well as help you to look and feel great all year round'.

The book start with January and move on to December.  In between, Trinny and Suzanne gave tips on organising parties, sharing their favourite shopping destination in UK and in other fashion cities in the world like Milan, Paris, New York, etc.   They share tips on packing, on meditation, among others. While some might find their tips useful, some (like me) would find them rather juvenile.

This would set me back RM70 (about US$30) if I bought it but since I didn't, the only set back would be the time that I wasted on it.


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