Triple Dog Dare – One Year of Dynamic Devotions for Boys by Jeremy V Jones

In case you are wondering why boys are being left out after reading this, well, wonder no more because the publisher is also publishing a version for the boys.

Entitled Triple Dog Dare, this one year devotion book follows the same format and concept as Truth & Dare (for girls) but the style are written to appeal to boys age 9 to 12. Even the cover has a boy shooting a sling against a gigantic robot. Is it the modern day version of David vs. Goliath or just a depiction of a boy going against worldly things or temptations of the world like internet, mobile phones, books (pornography?) which the giant represents?

Anyway, here is what the back cover of the book says,

So you think devotions are nothign but boring 'quiet times' for wimpy kids and Good Two-shoes?  Think again.  Being a young man of God is all about action. Really. Remember how David knocked down Goliah, Daniel faced those lions, Paul survived a shipwreck and Jesus stood up for a woman about to be killed?  God made guys to take His Truth and do something with it, to man up and change the world.  Think of this book as your action plan to do just that.

These devotions will challenge you to live a bold, action-packed life for God.  Every day you'll read a few Bible verses and a short truth about being God's man.  But then you'll be challenged to put it into action.   You'll roll up your sleeves and take on dares like drawing a comic strip, collecting school supplies for needy kids or creating your own movie.  Are you up for the challenge? 

We triple dog dare you.

Since Christmas is round the corner and the new year is about to start, I think it would make a wonderful present for any boys.   This book is published by David Cook.  You can check it out at 

Thank you B&B Media for this review copy. 


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