Max on Life by Max Lucado (Review)

I believe in forgiveness until he broke my heart and is demanding custody of our child. Forgiveness? Not likely.

I work sixty hours weeks for years because my boss promised me promotion. When the time comes, he passed over me for a new person. My resentment is making it very difficult for me to be even civil with him.

I am single and loving it. Someday, however, I want to settle down and have a family. I have seen enough bad marriages to make me wonder what I can do to have a good one. How can I select the right mate?

How can I be the good mum God wants me to be?

Sometimes, I just feel like snapping at anything that moves! How do I get out of a bad mood?

With the current world turmoil, my friend says he’s sure Jesus is coming soon and so he quits his job and spends his day praying and waiting. It sounds noble but also a bit crazy. Is this the right thing to do?

How can I be free of the fear that God might not forgive me? I am always afraid that I’m not perfect enough.

These are some of the questions found in Max on Life. As a pastor, Max Lucado received thousands of questions and wrestled with plenty of his own. Big questions about life and faith, heaven and hell and closer to home, dilemmas about sex, money, career, family, etc. In this book, Max answers all these questions – all 172 of them in a very down to earth, honest and biblical way.

There’s not one question in this book that you personally have not ask anyone or yourself before and there’s not one question that you wish you had the answers at that point of asking. The answers are from Max are just amazing. Like the jacket of the book says, the answers are ‘Vintage Lucado – Simple without being simplistic. Knowledgeable without being know-it-all. Direct but compassionate, honest and authoritative and always deeply practical. Full of challenge and comfort’.

For easy references, the author sections out the contents into Hope (God's grace, etc), Hurt (conflicts, relationships), Help (prayer etc), Him/Her (romance, sex, etc), Home (family lives, children, etc), Haves/Have-Nots (money, work, etc) and Hereafter (heaven, hell, life and death, etc).  This is a book not to be read in one sitting but over time. I have put in my personal notes for future references and there are some questions and answers that I would like to revisit.

The pink tab is my post it note :)

Published by Thomas Nelson, it retails at US$24.99.  Go and get your copy today!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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